Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A sneak peek at GLHCC after the church building interior makeover

Last Sunday, March 20, 2011, we've got a new feel inside our church building at Glean the Lord's Harvest Community Church. The church interior finishing was already commenced. This is in preparation to our 5th Anniversary and also the for launching of the Pre-school that will be housed inside it during weekdays.

Here are some snapshots of the church interior experiencing a makeover.

This is how the interior looks before:

 Curtained walls and stage, cemented floors and roof without ceiling.


This is when the construction is already ongoing. This is last March 12,2011 during Music Ministry Practice.

The finished product:

Now the kids can roam around without having to worry much on them catching dusts and dirt because of the bare concrete flooring. Now it's granite that touches their feet.

This was indeed a move of faith. To God be the Glory.Now and Forever. Amen.

This is one of the line-up songs last Sunday , March 20. True to its word "GOD IS REALLY SO GOOD!"

Friday, March 18, 2011

GLHCC 5th Anniversary Solicitation Letter

Glean the Lord's Harvest Community Church will be celebrating its 5th founding year this May 1, 2011. Geared with this year's theme " Leveling Up Now Your Bravery", GLHCC still adheres to the move of a braver, bolder and more courageous stand to sticking with God's Commission to His ministers - the Gleaners.

In line with our goals before the Anniversary is to finish the Phase 2 construction of our building which is now focused on the construction of our Mezzanine. This will house our Children's Sunday School and Admin Office.

Here's our open letter. Thank you for your benevolence.

GLHCC Solicitation 01 (Mar-Apr2011)